Tuesday, November 24, 2009

- C A M P U S ... L I F E -

Pirate Radio Rocks, by Martin Catudio.. In 1966, cutting edge comedian, Lenny Bruce, banned from entering either Britain or Australia, died of an overdose of drugs, subsequent to his imprisonment on obscenity charges.
Now to the movie, Pirate Radio, set in 1966, almost entirely on a ship floating 25 miles off the coast of Great Britain because it plays music 'banned in Britain'. While there is historical accuracy lending credibility to the premise, the film stretches references to the extreme and the story falls short, drifting much like its titular vessel does until an improbable Titanic-like finish. While its stellar cast list crews the boat, the journey goes nowhere.
.. The plot begs the question: What's the point of the movie? The important element of what's socially taboo back in 1966, or even 1967, UK is noticeably absent from its nearly 2 hour love fest of 60's music. Just like Bruce's transgressions, there is no explanation - just shows of jesting, sexual antics and legal conflict.... For the full review, click Comment 1.

Monday, November 16, 2009

- C A M P U S L I F E -

Are newspapers still relevant?
by Matt Harrison, Polaris staff writer
The following video was captured after last Saturday's performance of the World Premiere run of 'It's Not In the PI' at North Seattle college.

On November 14 2009, we held a talk-back panel about the new media and relevancy of newspapers, with a panel including playwright Paul Mullin, Cartoonist David Horsey, Seattle P.I. Science reporter Tom Paulson, Paul Constant, Mike Lewis, Nancy McSharry Jensen.

Here's the video Talk Back with the media panel including Dave Horsey ...

The play runs through November 22, with a mid-week matinee this Wednesday, 18th at 2:00 pm.
For tickets go to Brown Paper Tickets, (Click at Left), or open another window in your browser and enter the URL " http://www.brownpapertickets.com/event/87125".

- S P O R T S -

Storm Women Prep for Season
by Tom Smeeth and Matt Harrison

Video interview with Storm coach Rebecca Valdivia and guard DaVeonna Munson
catches the women as they prepare to enter the Fall season

The women open league play January 6th at the Wellness Center in a doubleheader with the men.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

- N E W S -

Proposed student center of controversy
By Michele Thompson, Polaris staff writer . . . On October 22, 2009, a Student Administrative Council (SAC) open discussion meant to assess student opinion on the proposed Student Center quickly turned into a heated exchange. Students, faculty and staff who had only recently become aware of the major project and its financial impact on students spoke out directly against SAC and its Director, Alexis Baranov. Are their concerns legitimate? Was the issue adequately presented? And is the proposed Student Center in the best interest of the students of North?
- See Comment 1 below for full story.
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Bicycle thefts: another look at lock technology
By Ron Chang, Polaris staff writer . . . North Seattle Community College has had 2 bike thefts in the month of October. This may be no reason for alarm on any other campus, but it is unusual for North's relatively safe campus. Jeff Caldwell, the campus safety and security manager, confirmed that the two thefts occurred within six days of each other. Both incidents took place during the evening hours of a typical school day. (See Comment 3.)
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Fix It!
. Around campus there are myriad various sources of frustration as things get broken, need mending or an updated fix. You tell us, we'll put it out there.
(See Comment 4)
. Send us your Fix It! rants and raves to help improve the physical setting where you go to school. Send email to NowPolaris@gmail.com.

- O P - E D -

Students get the government they ask for
. The recent uproar over the handling of the Student Center brings our attention to the flawed communication processes of our student government. The Student Administration Council (SAC) at North seems to wait for issues to come to them and discuss amongst themselves what, and how, needs to be done instead of taking it to the students. Their visibility on campus is poor and communicate with the students is lacking. Though SAC sought feedback through focus groups and more, they were ambushed when presentation of their findings and suggested directions brought out strong vocal opposition, bordering on incivility.
. From one perspective, the standard way of doing things taken by SAC is fine, since everyone concerned with student administration is involved, and as a council, they are able to work effectively together.
. On the other hand, their duty is first to represent the students: making, assessing and increasing involvement of students is the priority.
Thirdly, and perhaps the most relevant: getting others involved is a daunting, time-consuming task, and one for which SAC is not paid, giving their time on a volunteer basis.
No doubt SAC's faults are common among most student- or even professionally-run administrations. North students don't seem to expect more than average governance, or else they would be making themselves heard.
. Maybe politics just isn't for everyone. Those who care about what SAC does but don't wish to take the time out to stay on top of student affairs are simply making their own interests a priority and expecting SAC to keep them informed of topics that will impact the student body.
. The handling of the Student Center proposal is one example how the SAC operates. Posters were recently placed around campus, but without specific supplemental information (such as costs) delivered, the message went unnoticed. Emails that were promised still haven't been sent, as of this writing. It's frustrating to see that the on-line SAC calendar is completely void, the place where students might reasonably seek to learn about important upcoming events or meetings.
Can SAC be reproached for their methods?
. Fee-paying students are just like tax-paying citizens. They have some similar rights under their government. Under the government of the United States, citizens aren't emailed when a new law is enacted, surveyed annually to make sure everyone's views are heard or visited in person to ensure all proposed bills are made public knowledge. Under the SAC, none of those things are occurring, either. So long as students demand no more, SAC is exactly what it should be.
. In the end, the taking of a vote will bring some clarity to the process - but it may be simply thumbs up or down on the current funding structure that calls for a heavy student component that affects fees and may send away the very students that providing a Student Center is intended to attract.
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The Polaris needs your support
. We should have a student newspaper. There, it's been said - case closed.
. However, after the Student Administration Council (SAC) at North voted to disband the operation three years ago, things have changed. Democracy and the fourth estate continue to be under siege and now more than ever students in an academic environment need and deserve a healthy independent news gathering communication source.
. How appropriate that North drama instructor Dawson Nichols has gifted us with a very special play this quarter, "It's Not in the PI". Playing this weekend and next, with a special Wednesday performance November 18, you owe it to yourself to check it out. (The theater department is an example as one of many jewels this campus has to offer. The Polaris can play a critical role ensuring students find out about the rich offering at North, before they leave.) The subject matter is all too pertinent to our conversation here, which is why the thespian piece on view at Stage One is owed your attendance.
. At the time the base canard that reportedly shouted down the effort to keep the beleaguered Polaris staff and their mission intact was that newspapers were dying. Looking around our greater landscape - seeing the contractions and layoffs affecting communities across this nation, by that reasoning nearly every service producer in the marketplace that suffers under the weight of financial and technical strain should be shut down.
. Indeed the newspaper business is changing. As is the business marketplace, and what adaptations employees, and employers, have had to make to stay competitive at work, or in business, throughout our land as well as in others, speak to the need for innovation, not for giving up. While the Seattle Post-Intelligencer has gone "underground", existing online only, it fights to be relevant in the new media environment.
. But so does their sister paper, the locally-owned Seattle Times whose fight to innovate and increase relevance has led the paper's design to take on a distinctly modern look. This applies to the look and feel of the paper in your hands, as well as to the online tools and gadgets employed.
. For example, the stylistic direction the printed PI was taking - local features with hot-button stories alongside important national and breaking local news, are now embellished and illustrated with modern media approaches. Online video, interactive blogs and online chats with newsmakers are now found in every section where once was only text.
. This speaks to the direction the Polaris should take in remaining relevant and involved in our North community. That community includes its students, but also its faculty and administrative staff. That community includes its neighborhood from Golden Gardens Park, across Thornton Creek and Licton Springs, to the shores of Lake Washington - and yes, from Shoreline to the north and downtown to the south. We have interested partners who have a stake in the experience here at North.
. Each department that weighs in may point to their own communication instruments - from web logs to conventional public relations through the school's Office of Public Information. But would you accept a society where only its incorporated stakeholders can dictate what you will hear? Or do you value having an independent, interested platform to help interpret the marketplace of ideas and offerings by ensuring the free and unfettered flow of information and the chance to be challenged to think through their approach to the news, as well as your own?
. Throw in with your two cents before the opportunity of the paper is gone. It may not seem like much - but it counts.
. The Student Center controversy also speaks to the value of the Polaris. Could SAC have pointed to student-run articles, and administrative, faculty and SAC-written pieces in the Polaris to back up their claims? Perhaps.
. But having a paper to vet, and be vetted, is a two-way street that needs administrative support. Getting this paper out is a physical, psychological and intellectual act of will - as many of our volunteer staff will attest. We call for support from the student body and other community stakeholders, who need and deserve a vital North community.
. Let the student committees of SAC know how important this elemental piece of student academic and social life is to each of you, and to future generations that the Polaris is an in-extricable part and parcel of the education offered here.
. To let the student government know you feel having a school newspaper is vital, contact Sabina Tomkins, the Service and Activities Fee Board chair, at stomkins@sccd.ctc.edu to vote to fund the Polaris.
As always, let us know what you think by emailing the editors at NowPolaris@gmail.com.

- L o o k i n g N o r t h -

Looking North – Editor’s ramblings
By Tom Smeeth . . . In the Northwest parking lot that primarily serves the Instruction Building and Library, one can see where we’re heading as well as where we’ve been.
. Aside from the vistas, which have been dramatic and telling this season in particular, we see a functional school graced with a functional deployment of infrastructure from the 1970s. The parking lot stands for cars alone where once the plan had called for a then state-of-the-art media center.
. The learning environment of colleges has always been one to capture the imagination and inspiration of what’s best across the ages. We as a species seem a grand and glorious experiment at times. And yes, at times, inglorious. But the physical plant of a school can play an important part in its imprint on the personality and character of the field of academia dreams at play therein.
. For my time here as a student, the jewels I’ve discovered came too late are what impress me most about North. Aside from the people – and we have decidedly good people here, I affirm, what I will miss is to explore those gems of which I am aware. There’s now not enough time to fully explore all that is offered. Here I’m speaking not only of the curriculum one finds in the college brochure, which itself stocks valuable information. It’s a great start. But I ask myself, how to help incoming initiates more quickly ramp up their awareness of what this experience can hold for them?
. There are many stories about North: Its inception. How it was built. How it evolved. What it has taken through the years to progress, navigating the ebb and flow cycles of economy, awareness.
Looking North from the central building along College Way, the Library, the parking lot was to have housed a media center that was not built because of one of the Boeing contractions that occurred in the early 1970s. That is one of the stories.
. How North exists as a community connected to its neighborhood community, interests me as well. How are we reaching out to make connections in our neighborhood? How is our neighborhood reaching into us?
. This issue The Polaris seeks to dig into the decisions being made to improve student life, in particular the Student Center. It reaches out into our neighborhood to give taste and touch to social options – restaurant and film reviews, that we hope prove helpful. It publishes a creative submission from one of our school’s ESL students who stepped bolding into the challenge. I hope to see more, and in the variety of languages spoken by its students. The Polaris creases into the online world with a first-step web log to offer timely stories to be told – we look to your interaction with it to enrich it as well.
. Looking North, a perspective that seeks to keep an open mind, understand and embrace a whole range of views that exist here in this campus environment between Licton Springs and Thornton Creek.
. Looking North is hopefully an alive column that takes in suggestions, submissions and other writing that will find its way into the pages of The Polaris. PolarisNOW.blogspot.com offers photos, colorful pictures as well as Black-and-White photos, videos and audio, timely stories and updates, creative ideas and compositions, as well as includes you into the conversation.
We welcome your civil contribution into The Polaris.
Letters to the editor at NowPolaris@gmail.com
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- C o l u m n s -

. Contributions from community
What is sustainability anyway?
By Christian Rusby, Special to the Polaris . . . Sustainability is commonly defined as the ability to “meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.” This broad definition has been interpreted to include all aspects of life—not just the environment but economic value, social responsibility and cultural vitality as well. A sustainable North Seattle Community College (North) is an extension of this idea where all aspects of college life are considered. At North this means considering how we can reduce negative impacts of energy to heat the buildings, transportation for students and staff to campus, and the waste we generate in food service among many, many others.
. How do we know what negative impacts we are making? We start with an assessment of where we are at and setting goals. That doesn’t sound very exciting, right? Don’t worry, that is my job as the Sustainability Coordinator. Your job as students, faculty and staff is to continue to ask questions about where we are and where we want to be as a college.
. Since I started this quarter I have been flooded with questions and ideas from people all over campus about how we are reducing and could reduce our negative impacts further. To support the organization of these ideas and questions, our President Ron LaFayette has enrolled the college into a program which provides a framework for sustainability at North called STARS. STARS is a voluntary, self-reporting framework for gauging relative progress toward sustainability for colleges and universities and aligns with the Presidents' Climate Commitment he signed last year. I will be incorporating your ideas and interests into this framework over the next year and planning for a campus-wide Sustainability Design workshop called a Charrette at the end of winter quarter to update our sustainability goals at North within the Campus Master Plan.
. What projects and ideas would you like to see on campus?
. Christian Rusby is the newly appointed Sustainability Coordinator at North Seattle Community College.
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By Adem Bozoglu
. On one sunny day Mr. Red Fox was strolling on the bank of the Thornton Creek, chatting with his neighbors and enjoying the beautiful weather. As he walked, he saw in the front yard of his neighbor Mr. Black Bear, a barrel of finest honey. He quickly hid the barrel in a Himalayan Blackberry bush.
. That night he put on his oldest hat and put on a beard that he had from an old costume party before he went out. As soon as he arrived to Thornton Creek, he went in the bushes and took out the honey barrel. He rolled it all the way home.
. Later that summer he received an invitation to Black Bear’s 18th solstice party. On the invitation was written, “Please bring a dish and bottle of wine”. The day of the party, he put dust all over his fur, he yellowed his teeth and did not clean his nails. Everyone at the party felt so bad for him. Mr. Black Bear said, “Oooo, my dear friend what happened to you!” Mr. Red Fox responded, “I have not eaten anything for days”. At the end of the party all the animals gave him a lot of foods to take home.

. That night there was a terrible storm. The wind was hurling trees in the forest, lightning flashing on his roof and Mr. Red Fox thought the sound of the rain were the voices crying that he stole the honey. Suddenly, a giant Western Cedar fell through his roof, and Mr. Red Fox was trapped. He started to scream for help and all the animals came running to save him. They all worked together to clear the disaster.
. They were all shocked when they finally found Mr. Red Fox hugging his barrel of honey underneath the remains of his house. Mr. Black Bear just stared at Fox and the Fox turned red from the shame. And he never received another invitation again.

A liar’s candle only burns until midnight.
Meaning – a lie is always found out
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Fall colors augur pleasant fall
By Tom Smeeth, Managing editor . . . The stormy weather has officially blown in, yes? But the resilience of a brilliant fall color pattern has kept on at an unusual pace with a palette alive with bright yellows, oranges, and reds. Seems Mother Nature has insisted on putting on quite a show, using the deciduous trees as her blank canvas. Even after the rains came, and the wind blew, dropping many of the leaves, other trees stepped in to offer their painted, fall blossoms.
. According to North science instructor, Mitch McGuinness, the early color is due to the abnormal light register rather than any inclement weather patterns. More light for us to enjoy a warmer, less grey September and October, triggering the trees to start the process to drop their leaves.
. “We haven’t had any early chill,” he said. “In fact, with El Nino our weather has been unusually warm. The extra light has signaled to the trees to prepare their leaves to fall – and that is why we see the color.” Until last week, which saw repeated bursts of heavy precipitation, often laden with hail pellets at the outset, as with the night of October 29 before midnight, then the blast the afternoon of the next day, even the rain has been in what can only be called balmy autumn conditions.
. The heavy precipitation down in our lowlands and foothills means snow in the mountains. With ski areas announcing up to two feet of snow, several are planning to open this coming weekend. Crystal Mountain expects partial service. So check your snow and ski reports through such sources as North graduate MJ McDermott, now in weather with KCPQ, Q/13 Fox. Online at http://www.q13fox.com/weather.
. This winter is expected to bring heavy wet and cold. So stay tuned in to the local weather, and bring out your overcoat and slush boots.

. Look to view more on the blog site. Photos and more colorful views of the season around campus to be posted.

- G U E S T S -

Events and AdventuresSpeakers take on leadership
By Tom Smeeth, Managing editor . . . Two outstanding speakers visited North Seattle Community College talking about visionary leadership and where making an impact intersects in our society with personal choices within three weeks time.
October 21st, Salome Thomas-El, appeared on campus celebrating his birthday, speaking from his personal experience as a member of the media who made the transition from that industry to the profession as principal, teacher, chess coach, and one who walks his talk.
. Suitably scheduled to follow the vote on Referendum 71, this week, Diane Finnerty addressed “the intersection and differences between the struggles for racial and sexual identity equality,” as her Monday talk at the Baxter Center was subtitled. At the founder of the Heartland Center for Critical Democracy, and Coordinator of Faculty Development Programs at the University of Iowa, she leads the mission for social change through effecting community education and building movements around projects that focus on a cause. . Her mission is furthered in a social sense by her expertise in teaching and counseling on discrimination, oppression and diversity. Race, class and gender issue in our culture is made more challenging by the diverse cultures of US society and the effect of global cultures which import their own discriminatory prejudices and blind spots. Her delivery spoke of an open welcome to all people and empowered engagement, even when disparate viewpoints were present.
. For Thomas-El, whose book about his personal and professional choice, “I Choose to Stay,” is being developed into a Walt Disney Studios movie starring Will Smith, his internal processes were also evident in his presentation. His personal stories of dedication to young kids included an ethic of commitment to partnership with his wife, who challenged a trip to the chess finals with his students when being at home would be demonstrating his values as effectively and nourishing his family. A teacher in the Philadelphia School District since 1987, members of the audience were transported by his openness - to be coached by the frankness of the children he taught, allowing them to teach him.
There were post talk examples of him walking his talk. After enjoying a round of birthday-singing with balloons cascading off the Baxter Center stage, and cake-eating that accompanied his question-and-answer session, Thomas-El signed autographs of his books.
. So impressed by his presentation, North student and SAC member Sabina Tomkins invited the guest speaker to extend his stay by accompanying her into a Student Fee Committee meeting to address them on qualities of leadership today. Checking his watch to confirm he had the time before flying off to Chicago, Thomas-El agreed with enthusiasm. Later Tomkins let on that the session was well worth it.
. While Thomas-El intends to return to North Seattle in future, one can currently explore more at www.ichoosetostay.com.
. The Polaris had a film crew present at the Thomas-El presentation. Video and an interview will be posted upcoming . …

Around The Courtyard

Events and Adventures - Upcoming Goings-on With the month and weather changing, activities have an increasing indoor feel to them. Here’s a partial listing.
North Focus Group, wraps up. It’s not too late to go online today to register your perspective on the school and how it lives out in practice what it preaches in its mission and values. Go to http://tinyurl.com/nsccstu09 to participate in an online focus group session, if you are a student. Employee views are also valued, at http://tinyurl.com/nsccemp09 where you can review the values statements which probably look familiar.
November 13, In a non-league game, men’s basketball team, the Storm, host Another Level at 8 pm in the Wellness Center gymnasium. North students are free.
November 16, New student registration begins.
November 18, Student Health Fair, in the Cafeteria, from 10 am to 2 pm. Free chair messages for North students! Sign up in the Coral Room next to the Espresso lounge.
November 18, special matinee performance of the play, “It’s Not In the PI” – at Stage One Theater.
November 22, the MLS Cup, the Super Bowl of USA’s top soccer league, plays at 5 pm in Qwest Field. While Seattle’s Sounders FC were eliminated last weekend, the game features the top two teams, the Western Conference Champions (LA Galaxy or Houston Dynamo) versus the Eastern Conference Champions (Chicago or Real Salt Lake).
November 24, Silent Cinema Series continues with Tuesday showings, “Woman in the Moon” (1929). Rather than a flight of pure fantasy, Lang, screenwriter Thea von Harbou and a group of technical consultants conceived a modernized "Trip to the Moon" grounded in state-of-the-art astrophysics. Spiced with romance and espionage (including a network of diabolical super-spies straight out of Lang’s Mabuse films), Woman in the Moon was one of the most influential science fiction films of its era.
November 26 through 30, Thanksgiving holiday observed – no classes, campus closed.
December 1, Silent Cinema Series concludes with “Flying Deuces,” (1939) Parodying Hollywood's 1930s Foreign Legion films, The Flying Deuces showcases a multitude of gags from the cinema's funniest duo: Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy.
December 3, Naby Camara plays music of West Africa in the Espresso Lounge Concert Series from 11:30 am to 1:30 pm.
December 9, FREE 10 minute chair massage. Come relax before finals, making sure to sign up outside the Coral Room outside Espresso Lounge.
December 12, the Storm takes on Tacoma CC at 7 pm in the Wellness Center gymnasium. North students are free.
December 16 through January 4 2010, Fall quarter ends, December 16. Winter break.
Best source to keep up with the school’s functions, is available via that put out by the Public Information Office, http://events.northseattle.edu/. Carol Summers is Director of Marketing and Public Relations at North.
[ED NOTE: The Polaris had a video captured of the Halloween activities. Check to see what (and when) it goes up here.]
… future listings can be sent to NowPolaris@gmail.com .
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You Paid for it, Use it!
By Ron Chang . . . There are many important services that are just too expensive for us to afford. However, students may not realize the vast amount of resources that they have already paid for. Here are only few areas that are funded by our student services fees.

Women’s Center - The women’s center is an incredible resource, but its title can be deceiving. They will help students, both male and female, to find connections to resources for housing, healthcare, transportation, childcare, substance abuse, public health, and legal services. Step in their office to take a look at the various ways in which they can help you.
Websit: http://dept.sccd.ctc.edu/nslib/equipment.htm
Hours: Monday – Friday, 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Telephone: 206-526-3696
Location: CC 2345C (2nd floor, North of Admissions & Registration)

Media Services - Did you know you can rent digital cameras and audio recorders from the school? There is a large amount of equipment that you can rent to help you optimize the effectiveness of class presentations. The available equipment includes overhead projectors, slide projectors, video projectors, whiteboards, camcorders, etc. Use of equipment is subject to approval and reservations can be made by getting in contact with David Gronbeck at 206 526 0072. Be sure to give 48 hours notice when reserving.
Website: http://dept.sccd.ctc.edu/nslib/equipment.htm
Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Telephone: 206-526-0072
Location: Top floor of the library towards the northern border of the staircase.

Counseling Center - North has 2 counselors with doctorate degrees to help you become a more effective student. Jenny Mao and Lydia Minatoya can help students in the areas of study skills, concentration, time management, and simply coping with life’s changes. Barbara Goldner, of the Math Learning Center, has teamed up with Jenny Mao to provide a series of study skills workshops. The 3 remaining dates of this quarter are:
Thursday, Nov 5 4:30 pm Learning Styles and Strategies IB 3430
Monday, Nov 16 2 pm Enhanced Memory and Concentration club room
Monday, Dec 7 2:15 pm Preparation for Final Exams IB3430
People struggling with stress management or similar issues may be inhibiting their progress by continuing to use the same method of coping. The counseling center offers an opportunity to introduce effective methods to optimize an individual's efforts.
Website: http://www.northseattle.edu/services/counseling/
Hours: Monday - Friday, 8:00am - 4:30pm
Telephone: 206-527-3676
Location: CC 2346A (2nd floor, north end of the College Center)

Wellness Center - Private gyms can be crowded and often require expensive, long-term commitments. North’s own Wellness Center offers these same services free to students. The Wellness Center’s 44,000 square feet features a fully equipped weight lifting room, a multitude of cardio machines, 3 studios with plenty of floor space, locker rooms with showers, full basketball court, and even a running track. There is a full schedule of drop-in classes such as yoga, kick-boxing, strength training, and Pilates. Lockers can be rented quarterly. Friends and family members can pay for the gym quarterly or buy individual passes.
Website: http://www.northseattle.edu/services/wellness/
(Please note we are closed MWF 8–11 am for PE classes only, and Sunday.)
Hours: Monday – Friday, 7:45 am – 8 pm, Saturday, 9 am – 1pm
Telephone: 206-527-3631
Location: The Wellness Center building is the northeast building near Interstate 5.
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Student Groups & Activities – Notices …

BCM – – Meets Wednedays 4:30 in the cafeteria, near the club room. BCM will reconvene on November 18th for final passage on book of Joshua. The group intends to start reading Romans the following week, November 25th, just before the Thanksgiving holiday. No other plans as of yet. In any case, until we meet (again), God bless.
Points of contact is Dustin Sutton, chenaur@northseattle.edu or Pat Poplin, .gelert@netzero.net
Jogging Club - Weekly scheduled runs Tuesday mornings at 7:30, meeting in front of the sustainability coordinator office, North entrance to cafeteria. Thursday morning group run is currently going to be on hold. There will be a Google group created to run at alternate times and to find running/jogging partners for weekend/weekday sessions. Trail runs and other fun activites have been discussed. Contact Warren Woo at 808-230-7938, or email warren.s.woo@gmail.com Also Kristen Distelhorst, at email kdistelhorst@sccd.ctc.edu, participant.
The Google group = http://groups.google.com/group/north-seattle-running?hl=en
Flag Football – Fun in the sun, run, rain, or mud! 2 pm Saturdays at Indian School, 92nd & Wallingford Ave N, one block from the South West corner of campus. Invite email contact to confirm with you … Students, friends (do not have to be from the College). We play rain or shine - its better in the rain anyways.

Email or call for questions point of contact, Chris Murdoch at 206-453-8112, murdsull@hotmail.com.
[Members of the flag football team gather during break in action, in photo at right.]

Video of recent action is to be posted on the blog. Also, link to game location - http://www.bing.com/maps/default.aspx?v=2&FORM=LMLTCP&cp=47.694859~-122.326026&style=r&lvl=14&tilt=-90&dir=0&alt=-1000&phx=0&phy=0&phscl=1&cid=843A7E06D737EB42!139&encType=1 .
Polaris – Student newspaper production – Use all the modern media tools in publishing to keep an informed population - writing, reporting, photography, web design, blog editor, rich media, social networking, desktop publishing. If you believe in the value of the Fourth Estate, this is a great way to contribute to the North community as well as to enrich your employability – by practicing communication. And, it’s fun! Contact faculty advisor, Tracy Furutani at tfurutan@northseattle.edu.
MSAMuslim Students Association. Please, be invited to make contact for club activities - meeting dates, time and location, observances. Point of contact: Faculty Advisor, C Bonney, cbonney@sccd.ctc.edu or student, Sumaya Farah, smb101207@gmail.com.
PTKPhi Theta Kappa, The North chapter of Phi Theta Kappa, PTK, is an international academic honorary society for outstanding community college scholars. Enthusiastic participation brands the service projects where true strength of the Chapter seeks to exemplify the Hallmarks of Leadership, Scholarship, Fellowship, and Service that repeatedly earn recognition as a Distinguished Chapter. For example, on tap this month:
- PTK member Warren Sole leads help posting King County Health Posters around campus as part of flu season education process. Three are needed for about an hour beginning at 12 noon in the Student Council office. Please email aeo.ptk.president@gmail.com or Warren at warren.sole@gmail.com.
- General help will be offered Vice President of Services, Nadine Alawi, in distributing bottles of hand-sanitizer around campus at some point next week. Please contact her at nadine.alawi@hotmail.com to lend a hand, five people to help for approximately 2 hours.
- Thursday the 12th at 1 pm, Vice President of Fellowship, Judy Yee hosts an open meeting from 1 to 2 pm in the Green Room, behind Tully’s coffee. All are invited.
- November 19th, PTK Founder's Day, Judy will be hosting a fellowship event, again in the Green Room, from 1 to 2 pm. Immediately followed by a Service Project in conjunction with NSCC Facilities come to plant trees here on campus as part of our wetlands maintenance. Enjoy the fellowship, service or both -- all are invited to participate. Meeting at the school flagpole at 2 pm for the service project, which runs from 2 to 4 pm.
- November 20th at 7 pm, the New Member Induction Ceremony will be held in the North Star Dining Room (adjacent to the security office). Please attend and receive or support the recognition deserved of this outstanding club. The ceremony and speech is brief, followed by light food and fellowship. Family and friends are welcome. Dress is casual, business, or as you are comfortable.
- November 21st from 9 to 11 am, another tree planting, meeting at flagpole off College Way. All are invited to participate. Aaron Newton, Advocacy Coordinator, Student Administrative Council; Faculty contact: Michaelann Allen mallen@sccd.ctc.edu
Video Club – Join with students whose interest in video is expanding through the school’s new video club. Sought are individuals who have an enthusiasm for learning and applying new tech ideas to creative expression through video. WE have camera gear and make use of the SIMPC, and other campus resources. Club needs anyone who knows how to operate, edit, produce - wants to learn. Have ideas for video news stories? You are welcome to contribute. Participate weekly, or just once in a while is helpful too. International students check us out; movies are a universally understood medium!
Contact Matt at futuresite23@yahoo.com, or see him at the play!
Or, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6YFtGQG0viY

You are creating your future now.

- S u r v e y S a y s -

Film Spaces – An overview of North Seattle cinemas
By Tom Smeeth ... Whether you're looking for cheap entertainment, convenience, or even an exotic adventure, the film houses nearby offer a wide range of satisfying experiences. But, of course, the key components to the pleasurable viewing of all those celluloid frames include setting, seating, and -- most importantly – good popcorn!
. In general, the Landmark theaters specialize in the offbeat independent and foreign films – and they have the best popcorn to boot! They're located throughout the U District and Capitol Hill, but the lone exception to that rule bears note: The Crest has $3 admission and the best popcorn of them all, but generally focuses on second-run features. The seven screens at the AMC Oak Tree cinemas are a few short blocks west of campus and have a good selection of dining options just across the parking lot. Their popcorn is alright, but it's nothing special. Regal Thornton Place 14, the newest addition to the local film scene, and with commendable popcorn - and fancy screen formats, is just one block east of the Northgate Transit Center across I-5 from North. They held a grand opening in the community in August. They feature friendly service and great popcorn that rivals Landmark's.
. Destination cinemas are abundant throughout the Northwest. Rather than sending you over land and sea to Port Townsend (The Rose), Tacoma (The Grand), or Bainbridge Island (Lynnwood Theatre) – all worthwhile excursions on their own – there are a few in-town screen experiences that are worth the distance you'll go to get there: Central Cinema, an original dinner-and-a movie place between Capitol Hill and the Central District, and the Northwest Film Forum, where membership grants discounts, supporting film care and development, as well as access to classes and equipment for your own movie-making hobbies. NWFF often displays an exotic reach on one screen, while honoring a cinematic theme on the other – keep an eye out for special events. And let's not forget that the Seattle International Film Festival. SIFF now has their own theater down in the Seattle Center (321 Mercer St, 206-633-7151), not far from the AMC Uptown (511 Queen Anne Ave N, 206-285-1022) with three screens.
. I just have to mention a new movement: just like home concerts, home movie viewing can be fun. Couchfest's recent line-up included animator Bill Plympton (with two new shorts) and a film noir about jaywalking. Check out www.couchfestfilms.com for more info.
. Don’t forget the Wednesday Silent flicks presented to the student body every other Wednesday or so. The line-up is esoteric and inclusive – an excellent way to combine your movie watching with lunch and the ever-elusive conversation with fellow students.
. Here’s the cinema survey reference (including parenthetical info on number of screens and service by Metro bus routes) -
Central Cinema (Metro 2), 1411 21st Ave, 206-686-6684 – Go with friends for the dinner. Check out their line-up.
Landmark Crest (3 screens, Metro 66, 44), 16505 Fifth Ave NE, 206-781-5755 – At $3, the best deal! Good people, best popcorn, hands down.
Grand Illusion (Metro 48, 66), 1403 NE 50th Street, 206-523-3935 – Check them out at www.grandillusioncinema.org.
Landmark Guild 45th (2, Metro 16, 44), 2115 N 45th St – Old school cool, new school films, if a bit grungy. West screen has better popcorn.
Landmark Metro (9, Metro 66, 44) – Wide selection makes it always of interest. Coffee lounge upstairs.
Landmark Neptune (Metro 43, 44, 48, 71-73) - Classic old cinema house with a quirky layout and great interior. Features big screen attractions. Second-best popcorn.
Northwest Film Forum (2, Metro 2, 10, 11, 12) – 1515 12th Ave, 206-267-5380 – Curator of cinema. Homemade-style popcorn, with exotic sodas from around the world.
AMC Oak Tree (7, Metro 358, 5, 75) – Main run films mostly. Closest to school, Oak Tree mall is right next door. Decent popcorn.
Landmark Seven Gables (Metro 66), 911 NE 50th St, 206-781-5755 – Nicest lobby, decent popcorn, this theater screens quirky intrigues.
Regal Thornton Place (14, Metro’s Northgate Transit Center 5, 16, 41, 66, 75, 345-8), 301 NE 103rd St, 1-800-326-3264 – Has screens equipped for IMAX, 3-D showings. Broad fare but has some indies like current Coco Before Chanel, too. Popcorn rivals the best.
Landmark Varsity (3) – 4329 University Way NE, 206-781-5755 – Appeals to university student. Sometimes one-week wonders truly shouldn’t be missed. Worst popcorn and service. Three floors!

- R E S T A U R A N T S -

A New York Pizza Place raises the sagging bar of pizza
by Ron Chang . . . When thinking of food in proximity to the NSCC campus, bland food courts and unimaginative food chains around Northgate Mall come to mind. However, the Greater Seattle area as a whole has no shortage of great hole-in-the-wall restaurants. These places are just not as easy to locate and discover in the Northgate area compared to other neighborhoods in our city. In each issue, I hope to showcase one restaurant that serves quality food. The single requirement I have is that the owner must have a role in preparing the food for his/her own customers.
. It seems that the more abundant a type of food is, the lower the bar is for acceptable quality. Pizza is a perfect example. After being bombarded with cheese-stuffed accessories adorned on a chewy, par-baked crust, we no longer remember what high-grade pizza is supposed to taste like. Fifteen toppings and globs of cheese have to be slathered on just to pass this mess off as an edible item worthy of our nine dollars and ninety-nine cents. In case we’re not sold, five more dollars will get us another serving of something that we don’t really want.
. What if I told you that some of Seattle’s best pizza is within 1.5 miles of our campus? A New York Pizza Place is an awesome pizzeria joint located in the Maple Leaf neighborhood. New York-style pizza is characterized by large, foldable slices that have a thin, yet firm, crust. The “quality over quantity” concept is executed with quality and quantity of cheese used on the pizzas. The dough is made in-house and results in a pizza slice that can be enjoyed by flavor, texture, and presentation. A New York Pizza Place also serves salads, calzones, and sandwiches. . An added bonus is that they will make you a fresh slice of any of their pizzas, not just the default pepperoni or cheese.
Address: 8310 5th Ave NE, Seattle WA 98115-4119
Hours of operation: Saturday-Thursday 5-9pm, Friday 5-10pm.
(Metro bus 66) Location: 5th Ave. NE and NE 83rd St.

Local Taco Del Mar has cheap, tasty Mexican casual
By Tom Smeeth . . . How about a restaurant review that is timely, practical, and can serve the fast-paced world of a community college student on the go?
. Okay, Order up. It should be an affordable, fast food type of situation - a local establishment – but also include freshly made options that can be eaten easily and quickly on site, or, packaged to take with you to, and from, school. What else? A catering option for when coordinated studies class calls for a dinner course for forty. Oh! And very important it taste good!
. Taco del Mar, with two locally owned franchises at Northgate and Roosevelt, offers up just such an establishment. TDM is nearby and their staff is friendly and flexible. They are enthusiastic to engage their customers in line with whatever priorities occupy their attention coming into the door. Gotta go quickly? Want to linger and enjoy the casual atmosphere, including the informal design? No Es Problemo.
. Inspired by the fish tacos found in funky shacks that dotted the Southern California Pacific shoreline, the food of hungry surfers, Taco Del Mar opened in 1992 on Pier 57 in Seattle's historic waterfront district. Founders and brothers, James and John Schmidt, created a name and style in their signature menu items — Fish Tacos and Mission-Style Burrito – that reflected the southern California lifestyle they enjoyed while at school at UCSD in San Diego. Taco Del Mar occupies the Mexican Fast Casual restaurant sector.
. Their food is fast, fresh, affordable and regularly they bring out a new, interesting offering, or promotion. There’s something about their food that is incredibly real, fresh, fast, flavorful and very filling. Their sauces make the meal.
. Just in time for Friday the 13th, these two TDM locations introduce a new burrito taste with what I call a fabulous Friday free food offer. This Friday only, and only at these two locations according to the Roosevelt manager, the new & fiery 'Bonfire BBQ Burrito' can be had for free when you purchase one of their Mondo Burritos. It’s basically a buy-one get one free promotion to ensure your Friday does not end without at least one thing going entirely your way.
. In a preview of the new burrito, I found the barbeque sauce, appropriately tangy, complemented by a garnish that resembles chipotle with cabbage. They combine for a perfect contrast of tastes.
. You can ask for the BBQ Burrito in taco form, as well. Which is good because their Taco Tuesday promotions have long been a favorite of mine – two tacos, with rice and beans, with beverage. Various midweek promotions allow you to experiment with their menu.
. Price – this is important for any self-respecting student on a budget and Taco Del Mar obliges with a good pricing structure. Pretty much anything substantial and delicious runs between $5 and $10. For $1.99 extra, the combination includes beverage and chips with salsa, tomatoes and onions, or a smooth cheese dip. While sour cream is a given, guacamole often costs an additional $.99, which makes sense.
. I think it’s a place with a good deal for students, with a healthy list of options - Burritos, Tacos, Quesadillas, Dinner Platters ($5 after 5 pm), Nachos, kids sizes, Baja Bowl (burrito without the tortilla). Vegetarian options are easy – vegans merely skip the cheese and sour cream options. Meat options include – seafood (hey, that’s what the Del Mar stands for!), chicken, three beef options, and pork. You may select ground beef, grilled steak, or carne disembrada – a pulled beef that is very tender and tasty.
. Absolutely consider their loyalty program, a punch card which features double-punch Mondays. This is in effect a 20 percent discount, so that if you ate a burrito every Monday, one in five would be free. Deal-io! Also, the local owner (Jeff, who in the past participated in cooperation with a North marketing communications class by donating meal coupons in a food drive raffle) has set up a Friday the 13th promotion: I call it a fabulous Friday free food deal as customers who buy a Mondo burrito get a free Bonfire BBQ Burrito. So a two-for-one deal, but for that one day only - and only at the two locations I most frequent, as they are closest to campus. The daily specials - Taco Tuesday is another of my favorites (two tacos, rice and beans, and beverage for $5.49. Other notes of interest: the personnel are friendly and flexible – check this: they actually encourage me to practice my Spanish – I feel badly for them, but goodly for myself.
. You can go to their website at www.TacoDelMar.com, register for their club and immediately receive a one-dollar coupon to use on your next visit. Their punch card is accepted at all of their many Northwest locations, some of which are franchises, others company-owned. With headquarters in Seattle, Taco Del Mar has spread to hundreds of restaurants across the western United States and Canada, successfully.
. The 20 locations throughout the Seattle area provide consistent quality from my experience.

. Below are the two locations reviewed here.
Roosevelt - (Metro Bus Routes 66, 67, 48, 73) 1033 - 65th Avenue, Seattle WA 98105 Telephone: (206) 729-0670
Northgate Village - Seattle, WA - (Metro 16, 75, 347 &348) 830 NE Northgate Way, Seattle WA 98125 Telephone: (206) 267-6767

- F i l m R e v i e w s -

The Men Who Stare at Goats
By Mary McNaughton . . . The Men who Stare at Goats is an absurdist dark comedy about the creation of the top secret U.S. Army battalion The New Earth Army, inhabited by “Warrior Monks,” whose mission is to employ New Age tactics to confound, pacify, and therefore neutralize the enemy. They train in techniques that include remote viewing, becoming invisible, walking through walls, and in Goat Lab, stopping the hearts of animals with their minds. This may seem unbelievable and crazy, but what makes it both fascinating and troubling is that it reflects a true story. Most of the film is taken directly from the 2004 TV documentary The Crazy Rulers of the World (Episode One currently viewable on YouTube), by Jon Ronson, who also wrote the accompanying book that shares this movie’s title. Although Kevin Spacey’s malevolent spoiler and Ewan McGregor’s journalist/narrator have been added to give conflict and structure to the movie, the quirkiest and most compelling characters in the movie have real-life counterparts.
. The best is played by George Clooney, at his eye-popping, double-taking comic peak as he embodies psychic warrior Lyn Cassady, a sincere New Earth believer, he careens through the Iraq desert after being “re-activated” to fight terror. It is worth the price of admission to watch him explain the battle tactic “sparkly eyes” to his foil, McGregor. Another character recognizable from the documentary is Lieutenant Bill Django, who envisioned, created, and trained the psychic warfare battalion, played by a well-cast Jeff Bridges with his usual stoniness. Although this film will not appeal to everyone, those interested in a light-hearted, funny take on the extremes of our bureaucracies are in for a treat.

Goats Notes - On Thursday night, November 5th, the screening at Landmark’s Guild 45th included some very special attendees from New Moon Farm Goat Rescue and Sanctuary in Arlington, Washington.. Before the packed film-crowd, sanctuary owner Ellen Felsenthal introduced us to Lily and Emmett, two goats from the farm, who enchanted the audience with their engagement and inquisitiveness. Ellen explained that she saw the screening as an opportunity to raise awareness about New Moon.
Lily and Emmett with Ellen Felsenthal (right) of New Moon Farm, on the red carpet at Guild 45th in Wallingford.

. Of particular concern is the recent passage of the ordinance that allows goats within the Seattle city limits. She said, “And that’s one of the problems:
. People want to get a goat to clear their yard, and then once the yard is cleared – what do you do with the goat, right? I really love the concept of goats being considered pets, but the reality is they don’t belong in the city. These guys need a lot of space; they’re very intelligent and curious.”

. While there are 300 pet dog rescuers in Washington State, and 23 horse rescuers, there are only four who take in farm animals. Since Ellen started taking in goats in 1999, 681 goats have gone through her farm alone. To learn more about New Moon Farm Goat Rescue and Sanctuary, or to make a donation, visit www.newmoonfarm.org.

The goats receive their fans, following their appearance at the Landmark Guild 45th.

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Paranormal Activity
By Heather Bartels … Have you been sent a link to that video where you're told that if you look really closely, you'll see Michael Jackson's ghost in his bedroom? You know, the “Gotcha!” video that ends with the sudden appearance of a ghastly face, usually Linda Blair's, and a loud scream? If so, congratulations! You've gotten the complete Paranormal Activity experience while saving yourself an hour and a half and ten dollars.
. If you've seen the trailer for Paranormal Activity, you already know the entire plot (and most of the scares as well). A twenty-something college student moves in with her boyfriend after, whoops, neglecting to inform him that she's been haunted by a demon for most of her life. The boyfriend, Micah, buys a fancy camcorder to 1) get proof of what happens while they sleep, and 2) harass her for days about filming what other things happen in bed. Micah is the kind of guy who never asks for directions. This is clear after enduring an hour's worth of him insisting, “I can take care of this! This is my house and you're my girl and I'll get rid of this demon!” While the last few night scenes are good and creepy on their own, their impact is dulled by the preceding annoying arguments and exaggerated bumps in the night.
. Being a horror movie lover, I'm looking for a fairly solid experience from a film that is being called “the scariest movie ever.” Good acting, an original plot, and quality cinematography are all very important to me, but not as important as the film actually being scary. That's kind of the point, right? When the majority of a flick's scares could be explained away by the couple having a cat they didn't know about, it loses a lot of the desired effect. When I wake up in the middle of the night because my keys have been knocked off the counter or a cupboard door has opened, I just throw a pillow at the offending feline. No cameras necessary.
. If you've really got a craving for some shaky-cam, ambiguous-ending, credit-free fare, spend another night with The Blair Witch Project. At least they did it first.

- S P O R T S -

Storm blows inScrimmages played at torrid pace
By Tom Smeeth . Like the stormy weather, the women’s and men’s basketball teams blew into the gymnasium at the Wellness Center with all sorts of colorful and entertaining play against star studded Alumni teams who came loaded for bear to test the Storm. Seeking to complete the scrimmage phase of their seasons hitting a rhythm for the non-league games that start in mid-November, both teams survived with their mettle tested and strengthened after last Saturday’s contests.
Women win slim, 66-64
. Aided by a spirited and effected effort from ten alumnae players from the school's storied past, the women worked to a 6-64 win against a very worthy opponent. After a close-as-you-can-get 28-27 halftime score, the 2009/10 version led the all-star collection who threw every weapon at their disposal at them throughout the night before an enthusiastic and thankful crowd, on hand as much to welcome home old friends, as to investigate Rebecca Valdivia’s heralded new squad.
. But it wasn’t just an old classic ‘show’, there was plenty of ‘tell’ in the game brought by Katie Jo Maris, 17 points, Anisha Noriega, four points, both of the class of 2003, and former coach and Storm star Kadee Peterson (’06) who came on strong with 13 key points, strong play, and leading all rebounders with 11. Chipping in were Elena Flory-Barnes (’07) four points and rebounds, a block and steal, Tyisha Coleman (‘02) four points. Coaches Katherine Kritta (’04) and Megan Fulker (’07) knitted a robust squad from those guest players who were able to respond to the invitations sent out.
. From the record setting team with the 2008 NWAACC fifth place finish notched on their belt, Kayla Bennett turned in a competitive and flashy performance in partnership with Peterson, former class and teammates Katie Kirsch (3), Hiroe Chiba (3) and Kelly Luke (5). Like Peterson’s 11 rebounds and scores, Bennett’s stat-line of 18 points, four rebounds and 2 steals don’t tell the whole story of the game.
. In the end for the Storm, it was a combination of veteran returners and a handful of fresh performances from players new to the Storm women. Start the story with a willful return from leg surgery by a healthy, experienced, team leader Candace Grettenberger (5 points, seven rebounds, six steals), heady leadership from DaVeonna Munson (12 points, five rebounds, a steal and four assists) and strong inside play by center Laura Fuller (15 points, six rebounds) and timely sharp-shooting from F Nicole Buhl (8) was expertly blended with the fresh energy of guard Amanda Mendoza (9) from Foster HS, and key scoring from guards Breanna Carlow and Icola Dotson, who combined for 12 points between them. Venisha Ford (2), Marisol Gonzalez (5), and Jordan Halingstad contributed critical minutes and scoring. Stats contribute to the story of the game’s control won by the Storm – ten players contributed to a 38 rebound total, led by seven each for Grettenberger and Mendoza. Five had steals, with Grettenberger leading the team through the finish with six in the second half. Buhl, Fuller and Ford registered blocks, all germane to the Storm endgame.
. Gonzalez drained a trey to fashion a five point lead with 13:33 to play in the game. Then Carlow dropped in her first of two from long range, 46-39 with 12:41 remaining, bracketing a three from ‘Cola’ Dotson. The youth movement threatened to bury the Storm Alumnae, who called time-out down 56-45 with 7:56 to play. Behind miracle work from Katie Jo Maris, the Alumnae clawed to within 58-53 and five-and-a-half minutes to go in the game. Two steals and two lay-ins by coach-on-the-floor Peterson forced Valdivia to call time-out to rally her girls at 2:07. The final two minutes was a blur of fast-paced chess, with the women exchanging baskets, fouls and steals. Though Bennett stole the inbounds, drawing fouls and sinking all but one of her four free-throws, it was frosh Mendoza who calmed the Storm and sealed the win.
. After deep breaths by all – players and fans alike, the two sides greeted each other to thunderous appreciations from the crowd, then withdrew to an old-fashioned pot luck reception downstairs in preparation for the men’s version of hardwood heartaches.
Alumni downed, 75-68
After an emotional send-off that caught four year assistant coach Eric Ensign by surprise, and warmed the heart of forward Daniel Rugamba, who moves to finish his degree at the University of Arkansas, the Storm was tested in the Alumni game but prevailed under pressure to take a 75-68 victory into their final scrimmage game this Friday the 13th, against Another Level.
. Ensign, who takes up residence as head coach for the Metro League Nathan Hale High School, pulled himself together enough to lead the Alumni out in front of the Storm men, leading 38-27 at the half.
. Powered in the second half, on the inside by center Theo Miller’s 18 points, 10 rebounds and on the other flank by Alex Davis’ 19 points, the Storm swung the game back in their favor then withstood full court pressure holding on for the win. The gym went silent when floor leader Taylor Mulberg went down in a driving heap under tight defense from alum guard Tony Lopez with just under six minutes left in the second half but didn’t jump back up, as is his custom. It’s unknown how long he will be missed, perhaps two weeks. It gave an important opportunity for newcomers Karson Gray, 10 points, and others to test for their place on this year’s squad.
. “I thought the others did quite well under the circumstances,” said coach Kyle Gray of the backup guard play. “We’ll be needing to work on that while Taylor rehabilitates.”
. Coach Gray admitted that they hadn’t worked on breaking the press, and he knew coach Ensign would go to it, “as he always does.” He saluted his sidekick who is leaving after serving with him for four of his six years with the Storm.
. “He put in more hours than I can count – probably making pennies on the hour,” Gray quipped. “He helped build this program from nothing to something very respectable fifth place finish last year. He will rebuild that program,” he said thanking his friend and associate who assumes a challenge in a basketball rich league with the Red Raiders, whose school lies several miles East from North.
. Other contributions to the Storm comeback included shooting and hustle from veteran guard Brian Walker as well as six points and hard play from F Nick Maylsheff, as well as the 7 first-half points thrown in by F Wyatt Taboh-Graziano, who was all but quiet in the second.
After hustle plays by Allen Brooks and Miller drew the Storm close, Walker’s three point field goal gave them their first lead at 43-41 with 14:17 left in the game. Then came the Mulberg injury, and coach Ronald Stiell-Williams sparked the Alumni with a steal that started their charge at 4:25, within seven at 64-57.
. Sam Colter gobbled up two steals converting the lay-up at the opposite end, 66-59 at 2:49. The pressure mounted on the Storm, trading deuces between Stiell-Williams and Walker. With the Storm holding onto a slim four point edge at the two minute mark, Davis took things in his own hand on the low blocks to the right of the basket. Converting a smooth move to the glass, and on the next trip sinking two-for-two from the free throw line. No blown leads, the Storm weathered the Alumni torrents and held on for the win.
Up Next, Lotsa Road
. Next home game for the men is Friday night the 13th, when they host Another Level. After non-league games the following weekend at Walla Walla on Friday the 20th and Columbia Basin (CBC) Saturday evening, the Storm welcome Tacoma for a 7 PM tilt to open December action on Saturday December 12. They then travel across Lake Washington for a three day Bellevue Crossover Tournament December 18-19, followed by a trip to the South end of the state and the Clark Tournament in Vancouver to close out the old year.
. The women take their game on the road through the new year – starting with Saturday’s game at Centralia, then the Yakima CC Tourney November 18 through 20 and the SVC Crossover in Mt. Vernon sandwiching a Tri-Cities contest against CBC.
. For both the men and the women, all action points toward the opening of league play which starts on the road January 2nd in Edmonds up the road, then two games at home Wednesday January 6th (Whatcom) and Saturday the 9th (Everett), where they hope for a warm homecoming of friends and family on the North Seattle campus. All sites are set on the end of the road taking place for both teams in the NWAACC Playoff tournament in the Tri Cities March 6th through 9th in 2010. First things first, though – and that’s the games in front of them, giving them a chance to get competitive through the focused hard work.

November 7th Game summaries –
Storm Alumnae – 27 – 37 – 64
Storm women – 28 – 38 – 66

Alumnae leaders– Katie Jo Maris (’03) 17 points, 5 Rebounds, steal, Anisha Noriega (‘03) 4, 3, 1, Hiroe Chiba (’09) 3, 2, 2, 2 assists, Kadee Peterson (’06) 13, 11, 1, 2 assists, 2 blocks, Elena Flory-Barnes (’07) 4, 4, 1, block, Kelly Luke (‘08) 5, 3, steal, assist, Kayla Bennett (’08) 18, 6, 2 steals, 2 assists, Katie Kirsch (‘08) 3 points, Tyisha Coleman (’02) 4 points. Coached by Katherine Kritta (’04), Megan Fulker (’07).
Storm – Candace Grettenberger 5 points, 7 rebounds, 6 steals, DaVeonna Munson 12, 5, steal, 4 assists, Nicole Buhl 8, 2, block, 2 assists, Laura Fuller 15, 6 rebounds, block, Breanna Carlow 6, steal, Icola Dotson 6, 2, Venisha Ford 2, 3, block, Marisol Gonzalez 5, 3, Jordan Halingstad 2 rebounds, steal, Amanda Mendoza 9, 7, 2 steals, assist, Nadinstsetseg Sumiya. Coach Rebecca Valdivia. Referees – Julie Vanni, Ted Postma, Brian Llindgren. Attendance 35,804 (est).
Storm Alumni – 38 – 30 – 68
Storm men – 27 – 48 – 75

Alumni –Tyler Milam 8, 4 rebounds, Nate Ivie 2 steals, Sam Colter 7, 3 rebounds, steal, 2 assists, Nick Ellis 2, 2 rebounds, Ronald Stiell-Williams 8, 2 steals, 2 assists, David Rengo 6, 2 rebounds, 2 steals, Mike Boyle 2, steal, Daniel Rugamba 6, 5 rebounds, block, Tony Lopez 8, 6, 2 steals, 2 assists, Cody Gray 7, 2 rebounds, 3 steals, Aaron Shlund 9, steal, David Parker. Coach Eric Ensign.
Storm – Karson Gray 10 points, 3 assists, Jeremy Rohrer 3 rebounds, 2 assists, Taylor Mulberg 3 rebounds, assist, 5 steals, Brian Walker 11, 3 rebounds, steal, Alex Davis 19, 3, 2 assist, Nick Maylsheff 6, 4, 2 blocks, steal, Billy Thomas, Theo Miller 18, 10, 2 assists, Aregawe Georgio, Wyatt Taboh-Graziano 7, 2 rebounds,2 blocks, Allen Brooks 3, 4, Greg Davis. Coach Kyle Gray. Referees – Robert Grant, Tim Gaitly, Johns Custa. Attendance 35,804 (est).

- S e a s o n s C h a n g e s -

Happy All Hallow's Eve!
By Edward Gee

. Someone once told me that I couldn’t appreciate Halloween unless I had children. Surprised and slightly offended, I shot back, “Actually, you couldn’t understand Halloween unless you were pagan.” And thus was born a rather lengthy conversation concerning the pagan origins of many modern holidays.
. But one thing had to be settled first: definitions of the words “pagan” and “holiday”.
. Though it likely stems from the Roman “paganus”, there are many definitions of “pagan”, ranging from “civilian” to “hick” or even “outsider”. Its true original meaning seems to be as elusive as the origins of the holidays themselves. Holy days, or the more modern “holidays”, as we know them today, have deep roots in prehistory.
. All holidays began somewhere. Most were created by the ancestors of those who celebrated them, but many others have foreign roots as people migrated, conquerors marched, and cultures merged, bringing their holy days with them.
. The term “Halloween” is a modern form of “Hallow's Eve”, which is in turn shortened from the old English phrase “Ellara Halgena aefen”, which means “the evening before All Saints Day”. Originally, All Saints Day was the 11th of May, but the early Catholic Church’s Pope Gregory III (731–741 AD) tried supplanting the holiday by moving it to November 1st.
. Because of its shared history, Halloween is the one of the easiest to trace back to times nearly forgotten. However, there is little indisputable evidence that points toward a singular beginning and many varying theories on why that is. A popular idea is that Halloween is the culmination of two separate holidays to form one.
. In ancient Ireland, a celebration is in full swing. It is a celebration of the end of the harvest year and the beginning of the next. The celebrants, having completed the harvest, now store food stocks and slaughter the livestock in preparation of the long winter months ahead. This is a critical time because their survival depends on their provision. Running out of supplies is not much of a concern for us, what with modern grocery stores and telephones, but running out of supplies for them meant starvation and certain death.
. The name of this celebration is Samhain (pronounced sow-in), an old Irish word meaning “summer’s end”. The ancients also believed that on this night the barrier between the worlds of the living and the dead was thinnest, allowing recently passed loved ones to come back to visit the living one last time. It is easy to see how this is likely the origin of ghosts and goblins roaming around this night.
. Meanwhile, in the Middle Ages throughout Europe (particularly in England), the poor and the children alike went door to door, in a tradition called “souling”, to sing or pray for the dead in exchange for a snack called a “soul cake”. Sound familiar? Indeed, this practice is widely believed to be the basis for the modern practice of trick-or-treat!
. Modern pagans recognize and celebrate the older meanings of the holiday. One practice, originating from Celtic tradition, is a feast of the dead called the Dumb Supper (dumb meaning silent), where offerings of food and gifts are given to the recently departed and each celebrant offers a brief story or reflection of the loved one. The supper is a solemn event, full of deeply moving emotion as the celebrants say goodbye to their loved ones – a very different celebration from the “children’s holiday” practiced by many!
As you can see this is but a glimpse into a far deeper meaning of a common holiday. However you choose to celebrate this night matters little to anyone outside your community. Ultimately, it is nothing more and nothing less than what it means to you and yours.
. [Ed. Here on our blogsite www.PolarisNow.blogspot.com, video footage to be posted of how some students at North observed October 31st alongside the coffee shop.]